Start blogging with Jekyll & AsciiDoc


This glossary explains all the tags used for blog articles, providing clear definitions and context to help readers understand their purpose and usage.


# Back to Index


A configuration file in Jekyll used to define global settings for the site, such as title, theme, and plugins.

Number of posts tagged with "_config.yml": 1


A directory in Jekyll for reusable snippets or partial templates that can be inserted into other layouts using Liquid tags.

Number of posts tagged with "_includes": 1


A directory in Jekyll where layout templates are stored, defining the structure of pages and posts in the site.

Number of posts tagged with "_layouts": 1


A special directory in Jekyll where blog posts are stored. Files in this directory are named with a specific format (YYYY-MM-DD-title.adoc) to organize posts chronologically and generate pages automatically.

Number of posts tagged with "_posts": 1

A Back to Index


A lightweight markup language for writing documentation and content in plain text, offering advanced features beyond Markdown.

Number of posts tagged with "AsciiDoc": 2

B Back to Index


A regularly updated website or web page, often written in an informal or conversational style, containing articles or posts on specific topics.

Number of posts tagged with "blog": 2


A Ruby tool that manages dependencies and ensures the correct versions of gems are used in a project.

Number of posts tagged with "bundler": 1

C Back to Index


Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment, practices that automate the building, testing, and delivery of software to improve development efficiency.

Number of posts tagged with "CI/CD": 1

D Back to Index

E Back to Index


A sample or instance used to illustrate a concept, explain functionality, or demonstrate a feature.

Number of posts tagged with "example": 1

F Back to Index

G Back to Index


A distributed version control system used to track changes in code, collaborate on projects, and manage software development history.

Number of posts tagged with "git": 1


A web-based DevOps platform that provides Git repository management, continuous integration, and issue tracking, commonly used for version control and collaboration.

Number of posts tagged with "GitLab": 2

GitLab Pages

A feature provided by GitLab for hosting static websites directly from a Git repository. It integrates with GitLab CI/CD pipelines, allowing users to deploy sites created with static site generators like Jekyll or Hugo.

Number of posts tagged with "GitLab Pages": 1

H Back to Index

I Back to Index


The process of setting up software on a system, including copying files and configuring necessary components for proper operation.

Number of posts tagged with "installation": 1

J Back to Index


A static site generator that transforms plain text files into websites, blogs, or documentation, using templates and Liquid.

Number of posts tagged with "Jekyll": 2

K Back to Index

L Back to Index


A template language used in Jekyll and Shopify for dynamic content rendering, including logic, loops, and filters.

Number of posts tagged with "Liquid": 1


Refers to resources or processes that run on a user’s own computer, as opposed to being hosted on a remote server.

Number of posts tagged with "local": 1

M Back to Index

N Back to Index

O Back to Index

P Back to Index


An individual, non-chronological content file on a website, such as an 'About' or 'Contact' page.

Number of posts tagged with "page": 1


A permanent URL structure that links to a specific page or post on a website. Permalinks are designed to remain unchanged and improve SEO and user navigation in systems like Jekyll.

Number of posts tagged with "permalink": 1


An individual entry or article published on a blog or website, typically with its own unique URL. In Jekyll, posts are stored in the '_posts/' directory.

Number of posts tagged with "post": 1

Q Back to Index


A concise guide to help users get started with a tool, framework, or application quickly and efficiently.

Number of posts tagged with "quickstart": 1

R Back to Index


A dynamic, open-source programming language focused on simplicity and productivity, often used in web development and Jekyll.

Number of posts tagged with "Ruby": 1

S Back to Index


The configuration or initialization of a system or software, typically done after installation to ensure it functions according to user preferences or requirements.

Number of posts tagged with "setup": 1


The set of rules and structure governing how elements in a programming or markup language must be arranged to be correctly interpreted by the system.

Number of posts tagged with "syntax": 1

T Back to Index


The process of identifying, diagnosing, and resolving problems or issues in software, hardware, or systems. Troubleshooting often involves systematic testing, error analysis, and applying fixes to restore normal functionality.

Number of posts tagged with "troubleshooting": 1


A step-by-step guide designed to teach users how to use a tool, framework, or application, often with practical examples.

Number of posts tagged with "tutorial": 1

U Back to Index

V Back to Index

W Back to Index

X Back to Index

Y Back to Index

Z Back to Index