Start blogging with Jekyll & AsciiDoc


Do you dream of creating your own blog where:

  • Blog posts are managed as code in a Git repository?

  • You can effortlessly craft and version complex content, such as mathematical formulas or text-based diagrams?

  • Every commit automatically publishes a new version of your blog using CI/CD?

If so, you’ve come to the right place.

This site provides a step-by-step guide to set up your own blog in just a few minutes, packed with all these powerful features. We leverage Jekyll Theme Endless (a flexible, modern Jekyll theme that supports AsciiDoc for enhanced content creation) and GitLab (a robust CI/CD system to automate your blog’s deployment) to bring your blog to life.

First, you’ll create a blog that looks similar to this one. From there, you can gradually customize and expand it to suit your needs. To get started, check out the following post:

Let’s build your perfect blog together—one commit at a time!

Blog Posts